Thursday, October 23, 2014

C NEWS: STOP pussy-footing around with the RET

The RET (Renewable Energy Target) must be abolished. It is based on eco-religious bunkum devised by the warmists of the Labor and Greens Parties, and reluctantly supported by some Liberals with shaky seats to uphold. We have far too many useless wind farms as it is in SA which only increases the domestic cost of electricity. In South Australia, (unfortunately the Wind farm capital of Australia) run by an equally useless Labor Government, the current price of electricity is 32 cents/kWhr !!!! which is over twice the average cost in the USA, and is comparable to Germany. This is because it seems any dodgy wind farm promoter can get the go-ahead to build monstrous towers on our landscape and feed the dribble of electricity into the national grid, whether we or anybody wants it or not. Pox on them , I say. Go and use your feeble supply of electricity to boil your kettle if that's possible..

We do NOT need to move our economy to a low carbon one. This is a nonsense idea promoted by the EU, UN, also Obama's US. God forbid it! Use of carbon in the form of coal, gas and petroleum for energy production is why we now now have a very prosperous world. The emissions of CO2 have benefited the biosphere considerably and our crop yields are continually rising. CO2 is NOT a pollutent!! GET RID OF THE RET and all its associated legislation. It is bunkum.

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