Monday, October 13, 2014

C NEWS: Who can afford ELECTRICITY today???

ELECTRICITY PRICE: Ive just opened my electricity bill from Origin Energy, South Australia. For the winter quarter I expected it to be high but not that high, a $100 more than normal. The domestic price ranges from 31.7 to mostly at 33.8 cents/kWh !!!! which is exorbitant. This is as high as in Germany and almost double the average price in the USA.

It is high time in South Australia we got rid of all the useless wind farms and associated pollies and councillors who think they are "saving the planet" by promoting so called "renewable energy". Pox on them. What is the Liberal Party doing about it? They seem as devious as the Labor Party. We need an Aussie UKIP in SA, I think. Cheers, from Allano

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