The idea that if the world reduces its emissions of CO2 we can prevent a global temperature rise of 1 1/2 degrees is a FANTASY. We cant even measure a meaningful global temperature. The world is more likely to experience a decrease in temperature and the coming of another overdue Ice Age than any global warming
We must ignore the UN anti-carbon bunkum, get rid of our RETS, or Renewable Energy Targets, which are based on fraudulent UN anti-carbon propaganda, and allow our industries to develop free of the constraint of lowering CO2 emissions. CO2 is NOT a pollutant. Plants, crops and trees depend on CO2 for growth. Our atmosphere needs MORE CO2 not less. The UN is foolish to think otherwise.
Allano's comment on Facebook today 15/07/2018
We must ignore the UN anti-carbon bunkum, get rid of our RETS, or Renewable Energy Targets, which are based on fraudulent UN anti-carbon propaganda, and allow our industries to develop free of the constraint of lowering CO2 emissions. CO2 is NOT a pollutant. Plants, crops and trees depend on CO2 for growth. Our atmosphere needs MORE CO2 not less. The UN is foolish to think otherwise.
Allano's comment on Facebook today 15/07/2018