Wednesday, April 18, 2018


It's time we fired these raving loonies in Josh Frydenberg's Ministry of Energy. We must get rid of the RETS (Renewable Energy Targets) promoted by the corrupt UN, and move to more coal, gas and hydro power sources. Support the Monash Forum of pollies who want to expand our coal fired power stations.Let's see if we can REDUCE our electricity price to at least what it is in the USA. At present it is the highest in the WORLD.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


The latest news from New Zealand is not good news for the oil and gas industry which generates a revenue of about $NZ 2.5 billion/year. No more off-shore exploration permits will be granted. There are currently 22 permits off shore. Onshore permits will be reduced. Most production is in the Taranaki province. The reason for this move is to combat "Climate Change" by reducing emissions of Greenhouse gases, or CO2, and enhance New Zealand's green image.

Ardern is following the anti-carbon mythology of the UN and which is also promoted by GreenPeace is all a load of unscientific hogwash. CO2 is NOT a pollutent, but is a desirable component of the atmosphere. CO2 is a plant food. The more CO2 the better. Trust me for I am not from the Government. We don't have to reduce our emissions of CO2. We don't have to worry about climate change. CO2 is good stuff. Don't worry..don't worry your little self about it.... all will be well. Uncle Allano will see that the blue sky doesn't collapse on you.

Ardern's move to stifle the oil and gas industry in New Zealand gives further emphasis to the wise quote of the American writer H.L. Mencken, (1880-1956), who said: "The whole acm of politics is to keep the populous alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins (CO2, climate change, global warning etc), all of them imaginary". We don't need to worry about climate change in New Zealand, nor do we need to stifle the oil and gas industry by chasing after hobgoblins. Regards from Allano

by Allan Taylor: Watch out, Global warming is coming to Los Angeles. They are painting the streets white to prevent global warming and combat climate change. The Green PM Ardern of New Zealand would feel at home here amongst all these Californian Greens....she has only stopped future oil and gas exploration in NZ. Will she paint Wellington city streets white, too?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Today we had Josh Frydenberg , Minister of Energy and the Environment speak at the National Press Club and explain the Coalition Government's Energy Policy and how it works. What alarms me is that we are supposed to swallow the idea that affordable and reliable power can be achieved with the present setup by reducing carbon emissions some 25% by a specified date … we must lower our carbon footprint!....achieve our RET or Renewable Energy Target, which is to please the UN and its Paris Agreement about reduction of Greenhouse Gases.

It seems necessary to continually remind the Minister of Energy that our Renewable Energy Targets are all nonsense, being based on the anti- carbon mythology of the warmists who believe that CO2 is a pollutant, which it isn't. To achieve a viable and prosperous future the Government must rid itself of any form of Renewable Energy Target which constricts our use of carbon based fuels, such as coal and gas. POX on the UN. Regards from Allano

Sunday, April 8, 2018


South Australia is having its first mini heat wave for this December summer, culminating in three days with temperatures in Adelaide city of 38 to 40 degrees C. Earlier in the week disastrous fires north of Adelaide had destroyed 27 homes, blackened 82,000 hectares of prime farmland and caused 2 deaths. This weekend has been very hot with 3 days reaching 38 degrees and night temperatures down only to 31 degrees....OK if you have air conditioning I suppose.

This morning, at 3 am , unable to sleep with an indoor temperature of 31 degrees, I got up and turned on the computer to do some blogging. Great .....until there was a power outage from 3.30 to 6 am, so I went back to bed. So, inclement weather brings down trees on power lines, so they say. In Australia we have Nature to deal with all the time....either its bush fires, or flooding, those are the main hazards, if you ignore Labor Governments.

Now I know what it must be like trying to live in Syria! That country is being bombed to bits by everyone and his dog; rather like South Australia with its Labor Government which is determined to put us on the Green's road to hell and poverty. By joining forces with John Hewson's "Low Carbon Economy Expert Panel" to provide everything "carbon neutral" in South Australia by 2050 we are assured only of continued economic disaster, with SA being at the bottom of the economic pile of States.

South Australia has it own DIY way of destroying the economy. Unlike Syria, we don't have to rely on Obama's Coalition of Pirates to bomb our power stations, or hospitals ......or wait a minute, Premier Weatherall is closing down the Repat Hospital where I go sometimes; Alinta Energy has closed down the Leigh Creek coal field and the Port Augusta power stations.......Great!...we don't have to bomb anything, just leave it all to the Labor Government! Still, I like living in Adelaide for its nice Mediterranean climate and production of fine wines. No place is perfect.

Merry Xmas from Allano.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

(Memories from 31 March 2017)

The Labor Government of Premier Weatherill wallows in it's death throws as it endeavours to overcome the power crisis of its own making by reliance on renewables. The Premier is determined to go down in flames because he takes sane advice from nobody. Sanity to SA Labor is like pouring water on a duck's back.

His latest bizarre project is to contract the Lyon Group to build a battery and solar farm in the Riverland at Morgan costing $1 billion, according to ABC News. This is the most stupid idea possible. In SA we want more base-load power best generated by a coal-fired power station of 500 to1000.MW size. We don't want ANY MORE renewable energy power sources and the associated risk they involve.

Large solar plants are NOT appropriate for SA for many reasons. The panel array could be wiped out in half-an-hour by a thunderstorm, high winds and hail stones, and then we would be up Shit Creek without a panel/paddle. Every summer we get dust storms which coat solar panels and my car with RED DUST, which makes car wash businesses very busy, even in Adelaide. Solar plants are NOT WEATHERPROOF. We certainly DO NOT WANT this thought bubble of our crazy Premier to get off the ground…..God help us.

How can we STOP this power and financial stupidity in South Australia? Premier Weatherill, please get lost and take all your bizarre Greeny ideas with you. You are not wanted in South Australia.

Regards from Allano.