Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Countries are dependent on flows of information and technology for their development and future prosperity. Always there is a need for a reliable supply of energy and electricity. This is very evident from Australia, and its economically failing States, especially South Australia, which is unfortunately lead by Greenie Premier Weatherill.

In South Australia, ideally we should have an energy mix of 30;30;30;10 i.e.,
Electricity power stations using coal 30%, gas 30%, nuclear 30% and Other 10%......I would be happy with that, and our industries would prosper knowing that supply is weatherproof (also Weatherill-proof) and reliable. We don't want bizarre power solutions from Nick Xenophon, nor any carbon trading schemes, or a second Interconnector Cable to adjacent Victoria State.....this would be like sending the energy lifeboat towards the Titanic for rescue by Premier Dan Andrews.

Just how incompetent can you get? Don't ask the Federal Government, or the CSIRO. Greg Hunt, our Energy Minister, relies on biased and corrupt UN information sources....why does he not receive reports from the US NIPCC? (The Non-Government International Panel on Climate Change). I would be impressed if he did, and turned OFF the information tap to the UN.

Where are the main sources of these flows of information and technology today? For coal and gas power stations we must look to Japan and China where there is much development and innovation going on. For nuclear power, I would seek help from the French and the Russians. France has 58 nuclear power stations that supply 77% of its electricity needs; in Russia the nuclear supply is about 20% of the total. However the Russians are skilled at building mini- or modular nuclear power stations to supply electricity to its vast Arctic Region (like our hot deserts) for isolated mining towns, and also for nuclear submarines and ice breaker ships.

To have a prosperous Australia we must source the right information and its associated technology. This means we must turn on the RIGHT TAPS for this to happen, at the same time TURN OFF those taps which are just supplying us with bunkum. Let's get cracking and make this happen.
Regards from Allano.

Friday, August 5, 2016


We surely don't want the future of Australia as depicted by Kane Thornton, the CEO of the Clean Energy Council. The Council's very name is deceptive and Thornton would unlikely pass the four dog test for trustworthy CEOs, for.he talks like a used car salesman and then only bunkum.

Following on the disastrous weather events in South Australia and Tasmania, it has become apparent that too much reliance on renewable energy is not a good thing. Our power supply needed for industry and domestic use is not WEATHER PROOF, nor in South Australia, is the supply Premier Weatherill-proof. Even the hydro-dams in Tasmania failed us when drought conditions came, largely because of mismanagement, and their stupidity in formerly selling power to the mainland, leaving depressed dam levels, that were unable to cope with weather emergencies.

Thornton says that we are going through a transition period of phasing out coal plants and moving our energy mix towards renewables, and this is a world wide phenomenon. NOT TRUE. It 's bunkum. There is a steady increase in the use of coal and construction of new coal -fired power plants, in Japan, China, India and throughout South East Asia. This is what we should be doing too, in Australia.

We need cheap reliable power from coal. You can't run a steel works or lead smelter or any heavy industry with intermittent and unreliable power from a wind farm; they are PARASITES to the National Grid.....the wind industry is NOT WANTED in Australia. In the forthcoming National meetings of the Minister of Energy (and the Environment) Josh Frydenberg, I hope that the importance of coal and gas in our energy mix is reaffirmed and that the wind industry is told to get lost.
Cheers form Allano

Friday, July 8, 2016


South Australia is still on the road to economic disaster with Premier Weatherill and his Greeny team of bureaucrats at the helm.......I doubt that SA will ever recover from being bottom of the list of viable Australian States. Its landscape is strewn with useless wind turbines, that icon of the Green Movement. Thanks to Greeny Professor Flannery we have a billion dollar desalination plant in mothballs rusting away, and, like an old abandoned gold field, we have the expensive residue of an unsuccessful deep drilling geothermal company venture, all of which has been swept under the carpet (don't mention the war).

Yesterday we saw reported (The Advertiser) the latest folly of the SA Labor Government in its quest for "sustainability" or their version of a future Utopia .......the official opening of Stage one (of 3) of the Hornsdale Wind Project located north of Jamestown, SA. 32 wind turbines of the total 105, have been completed, are owned and operated by the French company Neoen, but controlled from Canberra via the network interconnector cable.

In my opinion, this is a highly undesirable development in power supply for the State, and should be halted. The supply risk factor has been totally ignored. There will be a never ending increase in the cost of electricity due to reliance on parasitic wind farms. Already heavy industry is deserting SA (auto industry, steel, other manufacturing) due to high costs of operation (power and labor).

To be viable and have a prosperous future South Australia needs a reliable base-load supply of cheap electricity. At present, and for ages, we have had the opposite, being promoted by foolish Labor governments of Premiers Rann and Weatherill, pushing renewable energy projects with the aim of making the State a World Leader in this technology, but unfortunately they opened the door to swindlers and SCAM artists with their economic disasters.

What should be done at top priority is to develop the State's natural energy resources of coal, gas, oil and uranium. SA Mines and Energy (MESA) must be able to assist in the exploration of these resources and locate the next 100 year's of supply. We also need the latest technology to be able to convert them into usable products, like electricity and suitable hydrocarbon fuels. Our local Universities must be geared up to teach the new technologies need for this advancement.

Our future prosperity depends on developing coal and hydrocarbon fuels and nuclear power. It is high time we realized this, and gave the bum's rush to present Geenie Labor Premier Weatherill and his sycophanting bureaucrats,...... out the back door with you and never to return.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


CO2 is good stuff and is a beneficial atmospheric gas. Plants love it and CO2 is vital for the well being of the Biosphere. Our South Australian Premier Weatherill wants to reduce our production of CO2 on direction from the corrupt United Nations. He plans on Adelaide and SA having a low carbon economy. The bugger's mad....let's get rid of him and pursue a sane energy policy for the State. The same advice applies Federally, to PM Malcolm Turnbull......we don't need any restrictions on CO2 production to slow our economic growth.....CO2 is NOT a think restrictions are desirable is just agreeing with UN eco-religious bunkum. IPCC get lost.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


South Australia's power supply is in such a precarious position that blackouts are a certainty in the future. Greenie Premier Weatherill has allowed this to happen. Olinta Energy has closed down the Leigh Creek coal field that fed the two coal power stations at Port Augusta, and these too are closed with the loss of hundreds of jobs. Port Augusta is now the boxing ring for two companies, Solastor and Solar Reserve, to fight out who will build a billion dollar plus solar thermal power plant for the region.

I suggest we get the Federal Government to take over the power supply of South Australia because the Labor Government has proved to be so irresponsible and outright stupid in its management of the National Power grid. Wind farms are everywhere and these all need a base-level power backup for when the wind doesn't blow, so why build them in the first place? Answer, they are good money SCAMS for the developers.

The Port Augustans seem to want to be at the cutting edge of power development, and have already destroyed two coal power stations in their madness, so I suggest their town be the site of Australia's first nuclear power station. Tell these Solar Energy companies to get lost ....for we're going nuclear. The world's first commercial nuclear power station, Calder Hall, in the UK opened in 1956 and was decommissioned in 2003, but I'm not suggesting the Brits build one, get the Russians, who are experts at building small, modular nuclear power stations, and using them to power remote settlements in their vast Arctic Region, and these would be ideal for our desert mining towns.

We could make Adelaide the center of the Nuclear Industry in Australia, after all we have the world's largest uranium deposit in South Australia, at Olympic Dam. In the Flinders we could build our nuclear waste dump and help the world dispose of its radioactive waste that comes from us selling them uranium. Adelaide's universities would become world renown for teaching courses in nuclear technology, necessary to provide technicians to run the nuclear power stations found all over Australia.

What exciting times for Australia. Our PM Malcolm Turnbull will be so enthralled by this idea that he will be on the phone to Mr Putin to ask if the Russians have a spare 400MW nuclear reactor for Port Augusta and if so, please send it down before the lights go out. It will come on that huge Russian transport plane that recently visited Perth, the An 225, that carried a 120 ton electrical generator, We must inform the Port Augustans of this change in plan for South Australia's power get lost Greenies, Premier Weatherill, Dr Hewson, and the UN, for our PM Malcolm Turnbull has come to our rescue.
Regards from Allano.

PS: comment by Allano
The South Australian State Government has the responsiblity of supplying RELIABLE and CHEAP electricity to the whole of the State community is not doing this, but going off at a tangent by promoting some eco-religious anti-carbon bullshit that eminates from the Greens and United Nations. Greenie Premier Weatherill even took a film crew with him to the Paris IPCC Confernce, to record himself swanning around the big-name delegates. South Australians have had enough of stupid Weatherill.... we will not accept any more wind farms, and we have the right to expect ASAP reliable base-load power generation, NOT some airy-fairy experimental bird frying solar set-up now being considered.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


South Australia is doomed economically with Premier Weatherill demonizing the element CARBON.....has Weatherill every studied chemistry and learnt that CARBON is the most wonderful element in the Periodic Table and forms more compounds than ALL the every elements put together? You don't demonize carbon....carbon and CO2 must be cherished.

Premier Weatherill has foolish plans to make Adelaide the world's first carbon neutral city in the world. "We have already begun the transition to a low carbon economy" he says. The man's mad, like the former Premier Mike Rann, whose goal was to make South Australia the leader in renewable energy ......yes, we unfortunately have plenty of wind farms, and also the highest price for electricity, comparable to that in Germany. WRONG OBJECTIVE......sorry, we don't want any wind turbines.

He says "we have the ability to produce almost all our energy from clean and renewable sources and export this energy to the rest of Australia". The Premier is dreaming. Such an objective is a nonsense and dangerous. It is important and wise that any region have at least 50 % of electricity produced from base-load sources, like coal, gas and nuclear. Hydro power is valuable and can be used both for base-load and peak demand. In South Australia, it is crazy to rely so much on renewable, unreliable solar and wind energy.

What we need is a new Premier who will ignore the eco-religious bunkum promoted by the United Nations, OR he should educate himself on carbon chemistry by reading Australian geologist and Professor Ian Plimer's book " Heaven and Earth" (2009) which explains carbon chemistry, global warming and climate change. The same advice needs to be followed by failed pollie Dr Hewson, who advises Premier Weatherill on these energy matters. South Australians have had enough of our valuable resources being bastardized by these foolish Green loonies.
Regards from Allano

Monday, June 6, 2016


Behind that smiling friendly face of our Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, lies a sinister operation that will take Australia straight to the front of the queue to enslavement in the New World Order, or NWO,. promoted by the United Nations. All the pollies are frantically campaigning now for the double dissolution election, involving both Federal Senate and Lower House, to be held on July 2nd 2016.

Tactics from Obama's scheming book are being used....e.g.,let's confuse the people with silly transgender issues while we surreptitiously move forwards on our real objectives, unnoticed or rarely questioned. Where's that carpet to sweep things under, out of sight, out of mind of the voters, so that they will vote for me, thinks PM Lord Waffle of Wentworth Electorate. Obama can't be wrong and Lucy and I might get an invitation to dine at the White House.

The Liberal's traitorous trio have been hard at work viz., Turnbull, Greg Hunt and Gullilble Gertie (= Julie Bishop) signing away our sovereignty to the United Nations without our permission. Our "greenhouse gas emissions" apparently must be contained, or even reduced, which is puzzling to me, because CO2 is not a pollutant but a desirable component of the atmosphere and life blood of the Biosphere. There is even a rumour of collaboration with the Labor Party to bring in an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) after the election...that will please Goldman Sachs. Where is that carpet?

Big grin.....look guys, we have a real weakness in South Australia, so let's say we'll build 12 more submarines at the ASC in Adelaide (government owned ship yards)......that will give lots of jobs and make them feel happy, so they'll vote for us wonderful Liberals. BUT , Malcolm, we don't want any more subs....we are not planning on starting a war........we already have six homemade Collins class subs that don't work too well, so no more thank you.....not for 50 billion dollars cost, and I thought you said we were broke? Where's that carpet?

I forgot to mention,... Oh, there it is way back under the carpet, it's Mal's Defence White Paper and has some more expenditure......what's this contract to buy over 70 American F35 Strike Fighters, widely considered in aviation circles as a lemon, like the Ford Edsel, and is the most expensive fighter plane ever, no, stop, let's shove that back under the carpet.

Roll on this Federal Election.....there will be surprises for sure, but for whom?
Regards from Allano.

Sunday, June 5, 2016



It is comforting to live in the Brighton and Hove suburban region of Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, and on Dunrobin Road, which is named after the famous castle in Sutherland, Scotland. This post is to give support to the UKIP people who are working so hard to bring about success in the coming Referendum and BREXIT.

Every city and town in Australia and New Zealand has a war memorial honouring our fallen soldiers in past overseas conflicts. . At Brighton jetty we have the Arch of Remembrance with soldier's names for WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Malaya, and Borneo. Their sacrifice must not be in vain.

I was too young to go to war, but my two older brothers survived the WW2 North African campaigns, with Harry in the artillery, and Jim in the infantry, ending up spending 3 years in a German prisoner- of- war camp. Our NZ family was lucky, for many others didn't come back. We are very thankful to the Americans for protecting NZ and Australia in the Pacific whilst most of our soldiers were in Europe fighting Nazi Germany.

Boris Johnson MP and ex Mayor of London, likens the Brussels EU brigade to the dictators of the Nazi Germany, for they have achieved control of Europe by skullduggery without fighting a war. All 28 countries are worse off than they were when joining the union. They want OUT now......first the UK on the 23 of June, then maybe France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and so on, will follow suite.

The Commonwealth countries take a dim view of the British becoming subject to the stupid laws and regulations of the European Union, our former foe when Nazi Germany. We will always support you in trade and conflict if any, until you are free from this tyranny again, and ready to challenge the world with your know-how. Three Cheers for UKIP and BREXIT.
Regards from Allano

Saturday, June 4, 2016


According to ABC Online News, the renewable energy advocates (unfortunately) still lurk in Port Augusta, SA, by proposing a 1.2 billion dollar solar-thermal power station and other solar plants, thereby buggering up our energy supply problem which is in a great mess already. Why don't these idiots go away?....go back to the USA......we don't want them here in Australia.

Alinta Energy is closing down the two coal-fired power stations at Port Augusta and has already closed the open cut coal mine at Leigh Creek that fed the power stations. The result has been the loss of hundreds of jobs, leaving our SA State power supply in a precarious position. I wonder at the sanity of Labor and Greenie, Premier Mr Weatherill, to allow this to happen. It seems the SA guidance in energy supply matters comes direct from the United Nations which demonizes CARBON.

South Australia is littered with failed Green energy projects costing us a fortune.....yes, Professor Flannery has been here. He promoted and spent millions on deep geothermal drill holes which even a school boy would know was a crazy idea. Hush, hush...don't mention their stock market crash. It's all swept under the carpet.

Our beautiful landscape is covered in useless wind turbines, that ICON of the Green Movement, which rely on having a base load power supply constantly available, for when the wind doesn't blow (now via Interconnector cable from Victoria's coal power plants). We have the most expensive electricity in Australia. Also , don't mention our mothballed billion dollar desalination plant, built with State tax money, when Flannery said we would run out of freshwater, which we didn't.

South Australians are sick of their future being at the mercy of raving lunatics who follow the false eco-religious bunkum of the Greens and the United Nations.......Energy planners, just go away and allow some sane people develop the State's valuable energy resources. Goodbye Labor Premier Weatherill, please do retire, like former Premier and Greeny, Mike Rann,...we don't want you anymore.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Australian Federal Election is on Saturday 2nd of July, 2016

POX on all wind turbines

The Federal Election is coming up fast. The Turnbull Coalition Government is loosing favor with the people and the Labor Party led by Bill Shorten is gaining ground. There is little trust in what is said or promised by the politicans of both main Parties. There is collusion of both Liberals and Labor to bring in a Emissions Trading Scheme about the time of the election. Much skullduggery is afoot. The Independents are greatly favored and hopefully they will gain control of the Senate e.g., ALA, One Nation, Lambie and Xenophon. A hung Parliament is a possibility.