The overarching goal of the conference is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) to limit the global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius above current levels. They expect to negotiate an agreement with world leaders and to conclude a global deal on emissions for COP21 in Paris 2015.
The warmists and alarmists still haven't got the message. We can't change the climate. The world is not heating up. Global temperatures have not risen for at 18 years. It would be nice if did warm up a bit for the North Americans this November. I hear Buffalo got about 6 feet of snow recently. However, what I object to is this nonsense about the world having to limit its CO2 emissions to cause no more than 2 degrees rise in temperature. This is a double, or even triple banger nonsense idea.
Firstly, CO2 is a desirable component of the atmosphere and acts as a plant fertilizer boosting growth of the whole biosphere. Currently the level is about 400 ppm but we could easily cope with 1500 ppm for better crop growth. Secondly, there is no evidence that there is a direct link between CO2 levels and global temperature. More likely we will move to an overdue Ice Age this century whatever the CO2 level. Thirdly, the push to limit CO2 levels would be disastrous to national economies and provides the opportunity of the UN to follow their Agenda 21 of world domination. This of course will not happen. Too many powerful countries, like the BRIC group of nations will tell the UN, EU and Obama to get lost. Have a happy time in Lima, Peru! I hope the weather will be better than normal.