Monday, November 25, 2013

Very costly electricity in South Australia

South Australia's promotion of renewable energy by its Labor Governments (Premiers Mike Rann and now Jay Weatherill) has resulted in the State having the most costly electricity for domestic and industry supply. My last power bill was calculated at 31cents/kWhr, a rate which is double that in the USA. The reason is the ridiculous expenditure on subsidizing wind farms (=WIND SCAMS) and domestic solar panels. All the wind farms need backing up from gas-fueled power stations so why build them in the first place? Answer,is they are just a SCAM to squeeze money from the Government for providing a dribble of electricity at times when we least need it.

The Advertiser today (26/11/13) has an article "We are in a power of debt" which reveals in South Australia, unpaid energy bills total more than $30 million and that figure is only to grow. The Australian Energy Regulator's recent report shows that 39,626 SA households owed on average $700 for electricity and $265 for gas in the June quarter. Also, SA households pay a higher proportion of income towards energy bills than those in other mainland states, despite being among lowest of energy users.

The cause of the undesirable situation can be laid at the feet of ex-Premier Mike Rann, a Greenpeace member and promoter of windmills and other useless renewable energy projects (remember the now defunct geothermal project up north?). South Australia does NOT need expensive wind or solar energy projects when it has plentiful coal and gas resources, and also the largest uranium mine in the world. Mike Rann was a Green devotee and now we see the result in our power bills. Let's stop all this Green/Labor eco-religious fantasy and instead sensibly develop our coal and gas resources for the benefit of all.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hate propaganda spewed by The Age and ABC TV

The Age newspaper is out of control with it's biased journalism wanting PM Tony Abbott to fail. Likewise we get the same daily spewing of anti-Abbott and anti-carbon propaganda on the 7.30pm "TV News" .Why can't the ABC (Australian Bullshit Corporation) be made to operate within it's Charter and present fair reporting of events, instead of trying to invent news that is traitorous to our country?

The latest outrageous spin is to blame PM Tony Abbott for the alleged spying or hacking of phones of Indonesian officials. This was supposed to have been done in 2009 when Kevin Rudd was PM and has nothing to do with Tony Abbott.

The ABC TV (like the BBC)continues to pour forth ridiculous propaganda about the dangers of CO2 emissions and how we must strive for a low-carbon economy, which means abandoning carbon fuels in favor of costly wind mills and solar plants. Pox on them all. CO2 is good stuff and must be cherished. Our future prosperity depends on burning fossil fuels and will be for at least another 200 years.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

What must be done to establish a prosperous future for Australia

The new Coalition Government of PM Tony Abbott must repeal the Carbon Tax legislation ASAP and then ALL related taxes, regulations and charges involving carbon dioxide which is falsely listed as an atmospheric pollutant. The details of how to do this are set out by Viv Forbes on the Climate Sceptics Blog Hopefully, this coming week of the first sitting of the new Parliament we will see progress being made. It would be nice to see Bill Shorten, Leader of the Opposition, take a bipartisan stand and say the Carbon Tax must go. We'll see what happens. Cheers Allano